We used to believe the goal is to get out of the hurricane that is the culture, service and talent issues that pervade our veterinary industry. But we made it out. We’ve escaped the hurricane, and now we realize it’s not as big as we thought. We’ve blazed the trail, and now it’s time to starting fighting the storm because the industry and its people are worth fighting for. The veterinary professional is worth fighting for.
This week’s PAWCast beings a new season of the PAWCast. We have spent 56 episodes learning and exploring the concepts that have gotten us out of the storm and into growth mindset. Now we choose the re-establish the game and to collaborate more directly with our audience. We have the tools and resources to help those who want to get out of the hurricane and fight with us and for them to understand the path out.
In this episode, Dr. Carlo and Ben all discuss the history and the future of the PAWCast and how we are going to take what we have shared and learned and apply it to more specific, audience sourced questions to start to fight the storm. Simply put, we are #HereToServe, and we will do that by fighting for the veterinary industry and professional.
What are you struggling to solve in your practice? Where do you see your professional career in 5 years and what do you want to know about how to get there most efficiently?
The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do by Amy Morin
12 Rules For Life by Jordan B. Peterson
The Dichotomy of Leadership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin
Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle
Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink
The PAWCast is a semi-weekly veterinary podcast devoted to sharing the ideas of how to be a force of change in the veterinary profession. Those who will find this content helpful will be those who appreciate and wish to implement change for the better in their professional lives. These skills and techniques can be applied at any level of experience or influence, and are the things that have led PAW Health Network to over 250% growth in 3 years. Our industry needs help, and you are the force of change. Let us show you how.