Over the last couple of weeks, I have had a word stuck in my head. Relentless.
I’ve been on a mission to figure out what it takes to thrive in the emergency veterinary setting. All of the reading and contemplation I have done seems to have led me to this word. To have a purpose that you believe in so strongly that you are RELENTLESS in the fulfillment of that mission. So many companies, teams and individuals have mastered this art, but it seems to be something that is missing pretty significantly in the veterinary world, even though we have one of the most tangible purposes of any industry.
It’s simple. Serve the Patient. Be relentless in your pursuit. The rest will follow.
Do you agree that this is the difference maker for us in the veterinary industry? Share your thoughts in the comments!
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PAW Health Resources: http://bit.ly/PAWCast
The Dichotomy of Leadership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin: https://amzn.to/3qDkIai
Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek: https://amzn.to/3dw9izl
The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle: https://amzn.to/2lB5rdy
Traction by Gino Wickman: https://amzn.to/2n9kvjc
Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink: https://amzn.to/2nfvo2Ia
The U.S Army After Action Review by David Garvin: http://bit.ly/2lCJWsS
The PAWCast is a semi-weekly veterinary podcast devoted to sharing the ideas of how to be a force of change in the veterinary profession. Those who will find this content helpful will be those who appreciate and wish to implement change for the better in their professional lives. These skills and techniques can be applied at any level of experience or influence, and are the things that have led PAW Health Network to over 250% growth in 3 years. Our industry needs help, and you are the force of change. Let us show you how.